NLP: Generate Knowledge Graph to Answer Questions

nlp Extracted text from pdfs using OCR, parsed named entities and relationships using Stanford CoreNLP.
Established an LDA model by cross validation for topic analysis.
Created knowledge networks to answer questions.

Text Analysis: Financial Data Extraction Problem

text_classification Extracted text from searchable pdfs and store the information
in JSON format using Python.
Compared text similarity using word2vec and trained a text classification SVM model to classify documents into different categories.
Deatiled work at Github

Spark ML: Predict median home value

spark Implemented functions that set up the feature dataframes and used QuantileDiscretizer to bucket columns.
Constructed a pipeline that went from the discretizer
to the Linear Regression model.

Kaggle Competition: Google Analytics Customer Revenue Prediction

google_store Visualized the relationship between device type, GEO location,
and date with revenue using Matplotlib.
Built a LightGBM model to train and predict the revenue per customer in Google Merchandise Store.
Deatiled work at Github

Prediction Problem: Predict Online News Popularity

onlinenews Explore the dataset by drawing correlation martix and apply PCA
to the data.
Train and test regression and classification models to predict the news popularity.
Detailed work at Github

Web Application: Crux AR

CruxAR Setup the backend of the web application using Python and
Django framework to track and increase businesses engagement.
Convert documents into better sales.
Video demo at Youtube.

Web Application: Social Distribution

social network Mimic social websites like Facebook and Twitter.
Deatiled implementaion at Github
Video demo at Youtube.

Research Topic: Human Interaction in Augmented Reality (AR)

android Got our paper accepted by IEEE, published in October 2018.
Available at

Enabled voice recognition to the experiment to help improve the interaction between human and augmented reality
Detailed work at Github.
Video demo at Youtube.

Android Application: Beep

android It is an application that calls or offers for rides like Uber or Lyft.
Built the application in Java with Model-View-Controller architecture.
Combined Google map API for the navigation in the application.
Detailed work at Github.
Video demo on Youtube.

For more open source projects, please refer to my Github repositories.